Game development 101.
             We offer many learning materials to help you learn some tricks!

Offering a communication platform

We held events such as SGEC, SGJ for student game developers to learn from each other and exhibit their own games. Thus helping them to gain more experience in game development and technique.

Abundant learning materials

We offer non-periodical essays on numerous learning materials, game developing techniques, developer's stories, team business and game reviews. We also offer contest information and promote skilled teams and their works.

In-depth business details

We give out detailed reports on important events, studios, games, and other things that might bring young developers' attention and curiosity. Gaming industry will never be a mystery to you.

Newest information

We update new information about the gaming industry. Let you know any latest job offerings, award winnings, big announcements, and new releases.


Student Game Elite Conference, SGEC

It is a conference for student developers. Every year, we invite different teams to share their games and development stories.


Student Game Jam, SGJ

A challenging event that needs you to create a game in limited time. We invite students around the country to team up and make games in short hours. Prepare yourself for a real challenge.


Supporting other events

SGD also partners with Taipei Game Developers Forum and Taiwan Student Game Developers Forum. We aim to bring more communication and growth in the Taiwanese Gaming Industry. We welcome any kind of invitation and collaboration.


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